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3 Best Ways Conference Calls Respect Staff Time

Respecting staff time is an organizational strategy with infinite benefits. It helps you attract and keep better staff, and no matter what your goal, it helps you achieve it more. But for staff teams to be greater than the sum of their parts, they need to communicate well, and that includes meetings.

Oh no, not meetings!

No, not those kinds of meetings. Not the weekly sit down staff meeting we all dread where one person drones on for hours while we all wish we were back at our desks getting something done.

There is a new "meeting kid on the block" called Free Web Conferencing, which is held over the phone, with a shared desktop if desired. But don't worry; web conferencing is easy to learn. It is just souped-up conference call technology, lodged in the Cloud.

Web Meetings are a great way to respect staff time, and best of all, they're free.

How much staff time can we save?

For sheer volume of staff time saved, the setup phase of conference calls is hard to beat.

This is most obvious for the staff person setting up the meeting, because they can sign up for in seconds (way easier than Facebook) and have a first web meeting organized in a few minutes with Call Scheduling.

For regular meetings, the Recurring Calls feature even reduces staff time spent setting up complex meetings to mere minutes, by putting automatic Invitations and Reminders at your fingertips, and offering flexibility to add or subtract participants with drop down menus.

No point filling people's email bin with invitations to meetings they can't make.

For participants, the way conference calls sync so easily with Google Calendars, Outlook and Doodle saves considerable time too, and the more participants whose days you are shaving minutes off, the more your saved time adds up.

Chopping travel time to and from meetings is also a major way to respect staff time. Conference call technology is breaking new ground by showing organizations how much time can be saved by groups of employees who work in the same city, or even in the same building, when meetings start with everyone just picking up their phone. 

Creating Quality Staff Time

The quality of time is important too. Using Conference Call Recording and Transcription frees up staff from the chore of taking minutes, and records the entire meeting, whether it be the Video Conference portion, the shared desktop, or the high quality phone based conference call audio stream.

By eliminating travel from meetings, web conferencing increases participation, too.

Everyone is at their home bases, with access to all their computer files. Every participant can use the FSS to pull up and share files, videos and pictures instantly. Free Screen Sharing democratizes meetings and makes them more effective, because everyone has access to the screen, although you can use Moderator Controls to eliminate background noise, or to enforce presentation mode.

Freedom to have the Right Meeting

The ultimate way conference calls respect staff time is how they offer the freedom to have exactly as many meetings as you need. Because per-meeting costs are down, you can meet more if you need to.

Web Meetings are ideal for streamlining teamwork, too.

Organizations don't need to wait to make decisions on time-sensitive issues by saving them up for the weekly or monthly staff meeting too, or waiting for every team member to become available, or even including all the regular meeting participants.

If you have a pressing, hot-button issue, web conferencing allows you to jump on it quickly with a 15-minute power meeting between all the key players available without disrupting people's day or schedule.

With a free Mobile Conference Call App, staff can be available for meetings from literally anywhere, anytime.

The freedom of being able to collect for a decision "wherever, whenever" eliminates the "drag coefficient" of large work teams and beaurocracy, empowering staff to move forward when they need to, while keeping everyone on board.

The freedom and flexibility afforded by conference call Features are powerful organizational resources.


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