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How utilizing a free conference call service with screen sharing can enhance your virtual meetings

Easy-to-use, interactive, and highly visual, screen sharing has quickly become one of the most utilized online collaboration tools for business and education. In today’s blog, we’ll take a look at some of the most practical applications for screen sharing and why it has become increasingly adopted by conference call service users.

What Exactly is Screen Sharing?

Screen sharing involves enabling the user of one computer to share the view of their computer screen with that of another user through the use of software. According to Technopedia, screen sharing software “ essentially allows the second user to see everything that the first user sees, including what the first user is doing”. As you might imagine, this makes it a very useful tool for training purposes among educators and other professionals.

Who Uses Screen Sharing?

Thanks to its utility as a training tool, screen sharing is used by a large and growing number of teachers and students as well as business professionals —especially those that work in tech environments. The ability to remotely view the computer screen of another is ideal for online presentations, in-person presentations, tutorials, and demonstrations for all sorts.

Screen and Document Sharing features

Using Screen Sharing for Training and Tutorials

Regardless of how good you may be at explaining things verbally or in writing, there are situations where it is far more effective to show rather than tell someone how to do a particular task. Whether you are training people on using a new software, giving an online presentation, or troubleshooting a computer-related issue, screen sharing offers a live visual on the user’s interaction with the screen that they are sharing.

Using Screen Sharing with Your Conference Call Service

Technology has come a long way since the early days of conference calling. As such, conference call services such as FreeConference have expanded their features and offerings to match. Along with web audio and video conferencing, online screen sharing is one of the free tools made available with your free conference call service to help you and your group mates get on the same page. the original free conference calling provider, giving you the freedom to choose how to connect to your meeting anywhere, anytime without obligation.

Create a free account today and experience free teleconferencing, download-free video, screen sharing, web conferencing and more.

Times are changing. So too are the way businesses and employees operate. In no way is this transformation more apparent than the sharp rise in remote working, or telecommuting, among certain job sectors. According to a 2015 Gallup poll, nearly 40% of the U.S. workforce has telecommuted—up from just 9% only a decade prior. As businesses streamline and younger, tech-savvy people continue to join the ranks of the working, this figure is only likely to increase. In today’s blog, we will be taking a look at the unique advantages and challenges associated with telecommuting and how technologies such as free screen sharing and conference calling facilitate communication among remote teams.


Why Screen Sharing is a Game-Changer in 21st Century Education

Thinking back to our school days, many of us probably remember sitting in class while the teacher stood in front of a whiteboard conducting the day’s lessons. Even today, this remains the primary way in which classroom education is conducted around the world. Until relatively recently, it was the only way classroom lessons were conducted. Now, 21st century digital technology has expanded the tools available for teachers and students to interact with one another both inside and outside the classroom. While many digital tools have made a profound impact on education, such as video conferencing, file sharing, and online classroom portals, today we will be taking a look at some of the ways teachers and students utilize screen sharing.


Screen Sharing and Other Collaboration Tools for the Modern Small Business Owner

If you run your own business (or run someone else’s business), then we don’t have to tell you that time is money. Regardless of what profession you’re in, it is important that you have a go-to set of tools for communication and collaboration with clients, partners, and employees. As a company that prides itself on making life easier for entrepreneurs of all stripes, we’d like to share some of our top picks for must-have tools (like screen sharing) for business owners in 2018.


How your non-profit can use free screen sharing to get everyone on the same page

Screen sharing, or desktop sharing, is a very useful collaboration tool for groups and organizations of all kinds. What at one time required individuals to physically convene in order to view can now be easily shared online between group members’ computer screens anywhere in the world. With so many different applications for screen sharing, it is not hard to see why it has quickly become a favorite tool for many nonprofit organizations. Here are a few of the ways that nonprofit organizations utilize web-based screen sharing to educate and collaborate.

