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Announcing! Free Video Conferencing


Personal Online Meeting RoomIt is imperative when managing a global team or hosting a worldwide seminar to keep a clear and open line of communication.  But it’s difficult to account for everyone’s familiarity with technology or predict every single problem they may encounter when attempting to join the call. Most conference calling services require lengthy downloads. This increases the possibility for error, and trouble shooting any difficulties will eat up your valuable time and your team. Imagine three quarters of your participant sitting glumly in front of their computers while you try to usher the remaining quarter onto the call – you’ve lost their attention well before you’ve had a chance to get down to brass tax.

To ensure everyone participating on the call catches every word, you need a conference calling service that is quick to join, easy to use and hiccup-free. You need FreeConference Web and Video Services.

FreeConference is a new in-browser web conferencing tool designed to help you manage your conference calls more effectively. FreeConference Web and Video Calling makes it easy to make free calls from anywhere in the world using the Web. It’s easy to navigate and can be accessed in seconds. Aside from ease of use, this browser-to-browser tool provides a clearer connection allowing for better audio and video quality.

Now, you may be wondering, ”What’s so great about an in-browser Web conferencing tool?” An in-browser web conferencing tool requires no messy downloads for you or your team. Simply have your team click the provided link to enter the conference. As long as your participants’ browsers are WebRTC compatible, they will be able to gain access almost instantaneously.

It’s important to note that FreeConference performs at its finest in Chrome or Firefox. If at all possible, suggest to the people you want included on the call to make the switch - this is particularly important if a participant is currently using Internet Explorer. If any member of your team would prefer to join the call via telephone, fear not: FreeConference connects to FreeConference’s phone lines seamlessly.

Host a Free Conference Call or Video Conference, Starting Now!

Create your account and get access to everything you need for your business or organization to hit the ground running, like video and Screen Sharing, Call Scheduling, Automated Email Invitations, Reminders, and more.
