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5 Best Free Calling Apps For Your Solo, Small or Mid-Size Business

lady with a phoneThe marketplace is ripe with technology that supports any kind of business, but how do you know what’s right for you? Consider how people are glued to their smartphones and how they conduct a lot of their business and personal day-to-day happenings from the palm of their hand. This freedom is helpful for people to live life while also being available for meetings and discussions which is why free calling apps are soaring in popularity. They’re free, and easy to use! But each free calling app has their own set of features and benefits. Which one will help your solo, small or mid-size business gain the recognition and following it deserves?

First, here’s what you need to know about free calling apps:
A calling (app)lication is typically a mobile app (but can be desktop too) that allows users to connect via voice and or video. The app relies on Wi-Fi or cellular data to hold and make the calls that connects the sender to the receiver.

A free calling app that’s on your mobile, gives you the freedom (Wi-Fi permitting) to leave your desk but still attend important meetings while being location independent. It provides users with an interactive way to not only keep in touch with friends and family, but stands as an effective communication tool in business, procurement, development, training, and so much more.

man with a phoneSecond, why does anybody want to use a free calling app?
Technology is only getting more refined. Today’s free calling apps are convenient, necessary and expected since everyone’s networks are growing exponentially. Hiring overseas, working remotely and travelling frequently don’t negatively impact business communication today as much as it once did.

Free calling apps encourage work-life balance by letting you live your life while still making the deadline.

Here are 5 free calling apps you can use for video conferencing on the go:

5. imo

Available for both Apple and Android, the popular free calling app can be used across multiple networks including 2G, 3G and 4G, and wifi. Both the sender and receiver need to have the app installed on their mobile to make a connection however all voice and video chat is encrypted. And the number of calls you can make? Unlimited. Stay connected with your team or clients with the Chrome extension, and to make life consistent, the same features as the smartphone apps are provided directly from the desktop or laptop app.

4. Google Hangouts

Android and iOS users will enjoy this free calling app because of its familiarity and convenience. Keep in touch by messaging groups, sending images and sharing locations plus taking advantage of the free video and voice calling features. Call up to 10 people with free group video calls using Google Hangouts. You can share files, images and locations but there is no screen sharing feature on mobile. Perfect for communication and updates between employees.

lady in coffee shop3. FaceTime

Every iPhone user has reaped the benefits of this default app. It’s completely free to use and up to 32 participants can join in on the video at one time. Both video and audio calls can be made, with the choice to 1) use the front-facing FaceTime camera to reveal your face or 2) flip to the back camera to show your colleagues what’s around you. Use both to engage participants or add to your presentation. No downloads required. Only available on Apple.

2. Slack

Everyone knows Slack as the multi-functional collaboration platform that keeps participants in the know. Wherever you are, Slack is there and provides features that empower sharing and collaboration by editing documents, pinging notifications, creating new workspaces and so much more. Other than just management, Slack also provides communication tools, like audio and video calling that work to enhance the experience. It’s perfect for professionals who can’t stay in one spot! When installing Slack on a Mac, note that it will require more storage space compared to other operating systems. For optimal performance, you can find duplicate files on Mac and clear them, or delete unwanted large files. This will help improve both the app's and your laptop's efficiency.


This free calling app gives users the tools to plug and play immediately from their mobile device. Available on both iPhone and Android, the free calling app comes with all the bells and whistles for a pain free connection so you can easily manage your meetings with anyone from anywhere – for free! Share your screen via video conferencing (available on Android, iPhone coming soon) and use text chat, document sharing, call history and note-taking to get the most out of every meeting! Learn more or download the app here to make your meetings more dynamic – anytime, anywhere, for FREE.

Sign up for the best calling app today!

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