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Introducing the new FreeConference Podcast series!

To commemorate the re-launch of our sister platform Talkshoe (more details coming soon), and the upcoming Podcast Movement convention in Philadelphia, FreeConference has released our FreeConference Podcast series!

Exciting! New FreeConference Podcasts Series!

The first episode is hosted by Puffin Sandwich, one of our freelance teammates and a rare meats enthusiast. Introducing our parent company Iotum, and the different platforms that Iotum offers, like FreeConference, Callbridge and Talkshoe. We also get into the benefits of screen-sharing and how useful it is in everyday life.

Screen-sharing and online conferencing can help communication between remote workers, a section of the working population that has been on the rising significantly. But don't get too comfortable as Puffin Sandwich reiterates the difference between work/life balance and laziness. Screen-sharing can also enable better collaborations for callers trying to view the same documents. Job interviews, artistic collaboration, and other non-traditional conference activities could also benefit from screen-sharing, as people are working on the same page, figuratively and literally. 

That’s what screen sharing is for. Eliminating the need to travel to share important information in a streamlined visual way.

So check out our FreeConference podcasts! More to come soon!

Listen to the recording HERE! the original free conference calling provider, giving you the freedom to choose how to connect to your meeting anywhere, anytime without obligation.

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