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Secure Conference Call Features

Meet without fear of intrusion with an additional layer of security using one-time access codes and meeting lock.
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In call page with tool bars and tiles shown on a macbook screen

Freeconference Helps You Protect Your Web Meeting With Varying Levels of Security.

Worried about unexpected participants accessing your conference? Host a meeting with a one-time access code that expires after your meeting. Or lock your meeting after it has begun to keep out unwanted visitors.

One-time Access Code

Every account comes with a unique access code for all meetings, but if you’d like to use a code that will expire after the meeting has concluded, the one-time access code is your solution.
One time access code setting page
security meeting lock setting page

Meeting Lock

Lock your meeting once it has started and anyone new will be required to ask permission to join, leaving you, as the moderator, to grant access.

Host a Free Conference Call or Video Conference, Starting Now!

Create your account and get access to everything you need for your business or organization to hit the ground running, like video and Screen Sharing, Call Scheduling, Automated Email Invitations, Reminders, Virtual Meeting Room and more.
