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Churches and A match made in Heaven!

Conference calling has long been implemented into the day-to-day of Big Business. The rest of the working world is finally coming around to the myriad uses of conference calls, and it’s about time! In fact, conference calling carries so many advantages over meeting face to face, it’s a wonder it’s taken so long for everyone to catch up.

Churches and Technology

One group in particular has enjoyed a huge leap in social and technological advancement: Churches. Some of our most adventurous and forward thinking minds can be found in church groups, and for good reason: Nothing brings out the best in critical thinking like an environment that fosters outspokenness, and other challenges to the status quo. 


Conference calling can be used for various activities for your church group!

But how can help? What can the world’s premiere conference calling service do to encourage the free flowing exchange of ideas critical to the success of any religious institution? Talk it out, that’s how! Allow me to elaborate:

Church Groups and Conference Calling: The Perfect Match! allows anyone to connect with up to 1,000 simultaneous participants; churches often seek to connect with as many followers as possible. It’s the Perfect Match! Here are just a few of the ways churches can leverage into their plans:

  • Prayer groups: The leader can keep participants in “listen only” mode to avoid interruption
  • Bible study: Students can gather in a virtual meeting room from anywhere in the world
  • Audio newsletters: Keep parishioners informed with weekly meetings
  • Team brainstorming: Discuss anything from attendance to fundraising
  • Event coordination: Weddings, holidays, more!

Has your church heard the Good News? Get hooked up with and start spreading the Word! Sign up for your free account today.

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