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5 Tips for a Productive Work Week

The work week: Five days long, eight hours a day, week after week. Plenty of time to be productive, right? Sure, but only if you’re really making the most of those hours, which isn’t always as simple as it sounds.

How can you be more productive, every hour of every day? Let’s check out a few ways you can best maximize your time at the office.

Update Your Work Environment

  1. It’s tough to be productive if your papers are scattered, or you’re trying to perform well in a poorly lit space. Make sure your workspace is uncluttered and well lit; try playing music that won’t distract you. When your space is a comfortable one, your mind is free to work unencumbered.
  2. Set specific goals: Make a list! Before starting your workday, create a list of goals you’re striving to achieve, and prioritize. You’ll be much more productive with a “game plan” of action.
  3. Limit emails and phone calls. Over the course of your day, it may be impossible to avoid calls and emails entirely, but these can be unwanted distractions stealing away chunks of your time. Keep unnecessary correspondence to a minimum in order to focus on the task at hand.
  4. Take breaks! Mental fatigue can creep up subtly and prevent you from working efficiently. Get away from your desk at least once or twice an hour — grab some water or a snack, stretch your legs, maybe take a walk around the block.
  5. Take advantage of productivity tools like’s Free Online Meeting Software. This free service allows you to book meetings with co-workers, vendors, or clients, easily and at no cost whatsoever. Invitees click the link to your Online Meeting Room to join you and others in a virtual space wherever and whenever. Online Meeting Software brings everyone together in a hassle-free manner.

Staying productive isn’t always easy, but these small changes can help! Give them a shot the next time you’re settling into your workday and watch your productivity soar.

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