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There's no doubt that video conferencing is useful. Every day, more and more businesses, churches, hospitals, and people use video conferencing in their day-to-day activities. While most online meetings are essential, we have to admit that some meetings can, well, go on a little longer than we would like. Take it from the meeting experts -- being in a useless meeting that doesn't engage its participants can be a total drag. (more…)

Take Your Business Back Into Your Hands with Video Conferencing

Businesses are hectic. Business owners have to split their time working with different departments, delegating and assigning projects, and even planning for the future. There is so much to handle that business owners often feel overwhelmed, and that their business is going out of control.

That’s where FreeConference comes in! Granted, we can’t run your business for you (yet), but we provide services to make life easier for businesses and their owners. (more…)

By now you have read the title of this blog, but have you thought of a reason yet? Just why should you be paying for video conferencing when you can easily get it for free? (more…)

Wow. Where to start? Several weeks have passed, but it feels like it was yesterday... (more…)

I love my family. I really do! But to be honest, they can be a little… “difficult" would be the most polite word, I suppose. Each has their own little quirks and foibles, and I couldn’t imagine a world without them. One recent incident really cemented all that I love and all that frustrates me to no end. Allow me to elaborate: (more…)

Technology is often taken for granted. It is often forgotten just how helpful it can be in everyday life. People often think of all of the potential frustrations and inconveniences technology can cause without considering the benefits it can provide, since it has become a regular part of their lives. Even the most helpful technologies can be thought of resentfully, no matter how useful they are. (more…)

That Puffin, always getting himself into trouble.


Businesses are hectic. Business owners have to split their time working with different departments, delegating and assigning projects, and even planning for the future. There is so much to handle that business owners often feel overwhelmed, and that their business is going out of control.

That’s where FreeConference comes in! Granted, we can’t run your business for you (yet), but we provide services to make life easier for businesses and their owners using video calls.


At, we devote our time to create the best possible experience for our customers, so it means a lot when our customers express their appreciation. One of our customers recently wrote to us and praised our service. This customer, Jonathan, is a researcher at a renowned university, and said that our service provided an accessible, convenient solution for his career needs. Jonathan regularly coordinates his research with his colleagues around the world, and often presents his findings via video conference.


It's hard being a teenager—between extra-curricular activities, class projects, and the looming pressure of one’s peers, high school is a formative time. The grades students get in high school will affect what post-secondary program they will get into, and these numbers all around will affect career options and overall quality of life.  (more…)
