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We as a population have undertaken many studies lately, in the efforts to find out why meetings work - or don’t.

Often, we've been labeling them an inefficient tradition; usually seen as a waste of time (unless people actually came prepared) and it’s safe to assume we have all come to at least one meeting unprepared. So what gives? Why are meetings so hard to care about? Why are they so difficult to manage? Why do we keep having them?


Using FreeConference software means that you’ve chosen to take full advantage of some of the world’s leading virtual conference technology, and that you’ve done so at no additional business costs. However, in choosing a Freemium service, you also know that some companies leave much to be desired.

Luckily for you, the affordable nature of FreeConference software upgrades means you don’t have to sacrifice your life’s savings to access quality, premium features, or useful upgrades.

We’ve recently rolled out some exciting upgrades to our FreeConference plan. You can access this feature for only 9.99 a month. It’s called SmartSearch.



We know that you probably already want to get out of your meetings. They aren't always run in a smart fashion. But have you considered trying to get more from them?

It’s easy to get jaded when certain studies cite that meetings take up around a third of your time, but some meetings are important - that’s why we keep having them.


Data-Driven Interactions

Since communion is essential to collaboration, and no business is built alone, FreeConference has been developing some impressive features looking to improve the way we interact with our colleagues and with our data. The main concerns we have been looking at addressing are issues of time, clarity, continuity and accountability.


Almost every industry has embraced the concept of working remotely, necessary in the current working environment. The number of people working from home or elsewhere has been trending up in North America for the past decade. Articles have come out supporting remote work, stating that it increases productivity, efficiency and morale.

But nothing comes without challenges, and with teammates abroad, there are some issues that might arise during the day-to-day. An appropriate solution is online video conferencing, which we will discuss in this post.

