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Implementing Screenshare Into Your Office Tools

What is Screenshare? How exactly does one go about providing others with access to their computer screen? Screen sharing is a relatively new way to visually enhance your conference call; participants click on your preassigned conference link to view anything you can display on your own screen.

What Can I Screenshare? 

screenshare image

Enhance your meeting visually with Screen Sharing!

So what exactly is it that presenters are sharing? You name it! Use SEO Cairns to walk clients through a new website, or demonstrate an update to your software. You can scroll through web pages, switch to other sites, or even pull up a new application mid-session. There’s no limit to the materials at your disposal! With screen sharing, literally anything you can bring up on your own screen is accessible by your viewers.

Here are just a few of the ways conference participants are taking advantage of screen sharing:

  • Display websites
  • Software demonstration
  • Outline proposals
  • Review meeting notes
  • Project discussions

Looking to spruce up your conference presentations? Screen sharing is the way to go! Add the visual element to your next conference call and you’ll never look back.

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